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WatchCases Posting Page
Monday, September 15, 2008
Why does my Automatic Watch run slow?
Let me say first, because automatics are finicky!

Probably because you look at it too much! And also.....

Why does an Automatic Watch run slow?

Well either it is broken and in need of adjustment or it is being under wound. Most experts recommend getting your Automatic Watch serviced by a qualified watch repair person at least once a year. No one does this though and so, they ask why their watch runs slow....but it also could be running slow because it is not being wound enough.

Why does my watch run slow no matter how much I wind it?
Hmmm, maybe your watch is just one of those movements that does not keep accurate time! Many automatic movements on the market today are not as good as a simple cheap digital watch or clock. Some movements however are incredibly accurate, but your mileage may vary, it does not take much to throw off the time keeping performance of an automatic watch.

Well, like I said, maybe it is broken, or maybe you were not active enough today while you were wearing it.

The other day Ann was in the office and exclaimed..."Hey, my watch is 10 minutes slow! That's the first time it has done that all week! Why is that?"

Well the answer was simple that day her computer terminal was busy, Ann spent most of her day typing and typing does not move ones wrist very much and wrist movement is what it takes to wind and automatic watch. I think it was a Wednesday and Wednesday is hump day and no one seems to purchase any watch boxes or watch winders online, so we had no orders to fill and Ann was not up checking winders and wrapping tape on boxes and pouring out peanuts and otherwise flipping her wrists around. Instead she was answering emails and typing other information.

I told her "because today you were a lazy slug", after she hit me, she said "what do you mean I was working all day", and I said "no, you were sitting all day and not moving your arm." She said "oh, sorry about your eye, now I understand"....OK so she did not hit me, but there in lies the rub with Automatic Watches they require movement. They are really not Self Winding Watches at all they are wrist movement wound watches.

Now if you put your watch in a watch winder, and it looses a little time then it is an oddity of your watch, but that can be fixed if you buy a quality fully programmable watch winder. You could alter the performance of the watch by maybe turning the watch winder up a notch, but watches are finicky and sometimes they just run slow or fast and nothing can be done about it....Usually when we wear our Automatics when the time is off slightly we make a quick unconscious manual adjustment.

A note about programmable watch winders. They are programmable by turns per day, by running time, by turning direction, some or all of these features is considered or could be called programmable. Even an on off switch could be called programmable if you stretch the definition! Cheap watch winders are minimally programmable. But as long as you can program the direction and get at least 500 Turns Per Day most Automatics will keep running, in fact 99% of watches require 950 TPD or less (Turns Per Day)....

Why are all programmable watch winders not made equally?
Because making a fully programmable watch winder costs money!

So the more you spend the better result you will get from your watch. Though no watch winder will keep a watch at the perfect time. This is why if you follow the watch winder industry you will notice the inclusion and then exclusion of digital battery powered clocks on or in the winders! Who wants a constant reminder from your wife that your $14,000 watch is not keeping time as well as her $100 quartz battery powered watch or even as good as the $10 digital on the watch winder. So companies stopped including the digital time on the front cover of the watch!


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by: WatchCases


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