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WatchCases Posting Page
Monday, July 7, 2008

With all the talk of computer crime now.
The issue of passwords comes to mind.
Some people have way too simple of a password strategy so as to minimize forgetting which leaves your identity and or bank account open to attach. Others have such secure passwords they can not get into their own accounts!

A happy medium is needed. Never use the same pass word code for everything!
Never use your birthday, or other public record type of dates and always make use of security questions that are not found in public record searches. Mother's Maiden name is a terrible one! Mothers favorite food would be far superior. Sure someone could guess, but unless she posts it online it would not be hacked from public information.

I suggest the following strategy, it is simple yet effective. It will not yield the most secure password, nor will it make it totally unforgettable, but it will give you better overall results.

Make a rule for all passwords.
Then apply the rule to all passwords and rename old ones. Including your simple user account.(You don't use user accounts on your home computer? Shame on you change that now!)

Here is an example of a rule...
1. At least 8 characters long.
2. Start with a your initials.
3. Follow by a number (2 digits)
4. Follow by phrase related to website.
5. Capitalize every third letter.

This make for an extremely strong password yet, you can re-generate it should you "forget it" and your not using the same pass code for everything. Closely related, which aides memory, but not hackers!


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by: WatchCases


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